Posts from — June 2006
Gulf Coast Views
Scout at First Draft continues to keep the status of New Orleans on people’s mind, because it is not going to get better if people ignore it.
The crew from 3 Old Men have several posts and pictures up from their trip back to the Gulf Coast. They visited the houses they helped build in Mississippi with Habitat for Humanity and then went on to New Orleans.
Folks, things are not fixed, hell, the debris still hasn’t been cleaned up in many areas. You can’t rebuild until you get clearance from FEMA and the insurance companies, and a lot of people want to be sure that the floodwalls are going to hold before they start spending the money. None of that prevents debris removal, but it hasn’t occurred in some places because they are still looking for human remains.
We have been lucky so far, because there is a lot of wind shear that has prevented the formation of storms. There are three possibles out in the Atlantic, but the wind shear has prevented them from developing. Those conditions could change at any point and life could get “interesting” for the Gulf states. It would have nice to have been further along in the clean-up from the 2004 storms, not to mention the 2005.
June 24, 2006 Comments Off on Gulf Coast Views
One of Those Days
From the BBC.
A women parked her car, and went in to a salon to have her hair done. When she comes out she discovers that the local government has made her parking space a “reserved for handicapped area”, dripping paint on her car in the process, and she has a £60 [$114] parking ticket under her wiper blade.
The amazing part is that the local government apologized, canceled the ticket, and agreed to pay the cost of removing the paint from her car.
[In the city of Coronado, California, they tow your car, claim you are lying about the re-marking, and charge you $100 to get it back.]
June 23, 2006 4 Comments
Badtux, the perceptive penguin, makes a very important point about Iraq: it’s no longer a war.
Under the “rules”, when the US captured Saddam, the leader of the “enemy”, the war was technically over, and the “occupation” began. So if the US pulls out, it isn’t a “surrender”, it’s an end to the “occupation”.
It would be nice if we helped to clean up, but there are a lot of things going on that need to be attended to and we’ll have someone throw a benefit to help with costs. In the absence of an official “war”, the violence is a job for the police, not the military. The new government can write and tell us how it worked out. We’ll do lunch.
June 23, 2006 Comments Off on Hmmm
Miami Haitian Ninja Terrorists
Mustang Bobby notes the Miami raid that netted a half dozen unemployed Haitians living in a warehouse in Liberty City that they guarded while dressed like ninjas.
CNN and the BBC carry straight reporting, but the claims that these guys were “planning” to attack the Sears Tower in Chicago is over the top. Even the FBI admits that it was an “aspiration” rather than as serious threat. [Jose Padilla, who was going to build a “dirty bomb”, is charged with something like loitering and disturbing the peace.]
The “al Qaeda connection” is a Federal informant who told the MHNT that he was with al Qaeda.
Pretty much nothing was found in their “secret hideout”, cleverly disguised as a warehouse with a couple of guys in ninja uniforms outside to make it inconspicuous.
We have mental health laws to deal with these kinds of people. Anyone who can’t buy machine guns and plastic explosives in Miami isn’t really dedicated to their revolution. There would be a huge mark-up because they are Haitians rather than Cubans, but a deal could be made.
If they had started when Aristide was still in Haiti, the US would have just supplied the stuff. All they had to say was they were going to help push the socialists out of Haiti.
June 23, 2006 3 Comments
Friday Cat Blogging
Chilling Out
The stuff on the table? It’s around here somewhere?
[Editor: Ringo has adopted Sox’s habit of jumping onto the table and sweeping it clean before laying down. She goes Sox one better by not sailing off the other side when she jumps on the table.
June 23, 2006 7 Comments
Some Bloggers Report
Karen at Peripetia has been doing original reporting on the Rove indictment story that Jason Leopold wrote in Truthout.
Part One and Part Two are up and well worth a read.
Among other skills, Karen is an attorney, so she has the underlying knowledge of the legal system to ask relevant questions, and she has gotten some answers.
Personally, I think the indictment exists, but Fitzgerald is using it to obtain Rove’s cooperation.
June 22, 2006 2 Comments
More Sad News
Jane Hamsher of Fire Dog Lake has lost her mother to a sudden illness.
This has been an unkind summer.
June 22, 2006 Comments Off on More Sad News
Analogies Are Dangerous
A chainsaw is really useful after a hurricane for clearing debris, but you have to know how to use one safely or you may end up in the back of a pick-up racing to a hospital with various body parts in a cooler beside you.
Analogies are like chainsaws: helpful when used with care and knowledge, but dangerous if you haven’t read the manual and don’t pay attention.
The Shrubbery was in Hungary and said that Hungary was an example for the Iraqi people.
I think someone should sit the Shrubbery down and explain that Hungary welcomed the Soviet army’s help in getting rid of the Nazis, but wanted them to leave in 1956.
So Saddam = Hitler, Iraq = Hungary, and the US = the Soviet Union. Somehow I don’t think that’s what he wanted to say, although it is a fairly accurate picture of what’s going on.
Someone needs to show the Shrubbery how to “keep the chain tight and oiled” and always maintain control so those analogies don’t kickback on him.
June 22, 2006 10 Comments
World Cup update
Team | Group | Points | Games | Goals | |||||
Played | Won | Tied | Lost | For | Against | Difference | |||
![]() |
Out | 1 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 6 | -4 |
![]() |
In | 9 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 2 | 6 |
![]() |
In | 7 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 3 |
![]() |
In | 7 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 4 |
![]() |
In | 7 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
Yes, the US is out of the tournament. You can’t buy the World Cup.
June 22, 2006 8 Comments
Stay the Course
What is the “Course” that we are supposed to be staying on?
As Holden and Andante have noted it means training an Iraqi army that is ambushing our troops.
We have learned this because Nadia McCaffrey, the mother of one of the two California National Guardsmen killed in one incident didn’t accept the Pentagon version of her son’s death, and Senator Barbara Boxer help bring pressure on the military to investigate the incident.
It means that seven Marines and a Navy corpsman are under indictment for the kidnapping and murder of an Iraqi.
It means Abu Ghraib and Haditha. It means that after billions of dollars and three years Iraqis have fewer utilities than under Saddam Hussein.
This course has cost Iraqi women their civil rights, strengthened the power of fundamentalist Muslims, turned up the flame on sectarian differences.
This course has cost 2500+ members of the US military their lives, tens of thousands have been wounded, with even higher numbers among Iraqis.
It should fairly obvious that the presence of the US in Iraq is not improving the life of the people. We can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, because the tunnel was destroyed during the “Shock and Awe” campaign.
June 21, 2006 4 Comments
Fine For Me, But Not For Thee
Apparently it was necessary for Congressional salaries to increase by approximately $30K since 1997, but Republicans don’t see a need to raise the minimum wage.
I want one of those who keep claiming that raising the minimum wage costs jobs to point to some facts to back that claim. It has never happened any other time the minimum wage was increased. We are raising the minimum wage in Florida and our employment is stable.
It is another convenient lie, like cutting taxes increases revenues. It doesn’t happen, but the claim keeps being made.
June 21, 2006 Comments Off on Fine For Me, But Not For Thee
Mustang Bobby noted that today is the Summer Solstice, technically considered the “first day of Summer”, but the mid Summer by much of Europe.
Many Wiccans celebrate the day as Litha, while computer programmers honor their predecessors, the druids, who build the first solid-state computing devices, the megaliths, like Stonehenge.
The Slavs celebrate St. John’s Night, Иван Купала [Ivan Kupala], the battle between the White god [Белобог – Belobog] and the Black god [Чёрнобог – Chyornobog] for control of the Sun. The Black god always wins and the night begins to expand.
The sound track to the battle is Иванова Ночь на Лысой Горе [Night on Bald Mountain] by Модест Петрович Мусоргский [Modest Petrovich Musorgsky], which everyone should play very loudly.
Via Andante from some time ago, I ran across Archæoastronomy which tracks all of the important solar events.
June 21, 2006 2 Comments
Attack Hamster Unleashed
CNN is reporting that the U.S. activates missile defense system.
Who is going to put the tracking device in the North Korean warhead? Who is going to program the missile to fly the necessary course? Do you think the interceptors will actually launch if someone punches a launch button? Will they remember to open the doors on the silo?
June 20, 2006 6 Comments
Everything Changed on 11/02/04
When the Shrubbery was re-elected the world’s good will towards Americans vanished. The excuse that we didn’t know what a jerk he was lost its value: people saw what he had done and re-elected him, so Americans were as guilty as their government for everything the US did around the world after that point.
As this Christian Science Monitor article, Kiwis have turned sour on Americans, shows even New Zealand has turned against individual Americans, and not simply the American government. It’s like being beaten up by your best friend from high school.
The South Korean government won’t take our government’s word for what the North Korean government is doing. The South Koreans have been our closest allies on the Asian mainland since the Korean War, and now they don’t trust us.
Decades of confidence building throughout the world have been flushed down the toilet by the delusions of these people. The overwhelming good will the world offered to the US after the 9/11 attacks has been wasted.
For those people who don’t think it matters: ask yourself, who buys the bonds that finance the Shrubbery’s obscene deficits.
June 20, 2006 4 Comments